
Monday, December 16, 2013


The kids have a couple weeks off from school for Christmas and the relatives are coming for a visit soon. The best part of the holidays is having some time off to spend with your family. Try this fun and easy Christmas recipe with your kids. Doing things together and create lasting traditions will bring everyone closer. Celebrate the season with this yummy, fun, and easy recipe with your kids!

read more "STAR-TOPPED MINCE PIES by Nigella Lawson"

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

This problem can be solved by pre-school children in 5-10 minutes, by programer – in 1 hour, by people with higher education …

This problem can be solved by pre-school children in 5-10 minutes, by programer – in 1 hour, by people with higher education … Well, check yourself.

The answer has to do with how many circles are in each number. So the number 8 has two circles in its shape so it counts as two. And 0 is one big circle, so it counts as 1.

So 2581 = 2

read more "This problem can be solved by pre-school children in 5-10 minutes, by programer – in 1 hour, by people with higher education …"